Felix Gray
Born in an office...
The folks at Felix Gray aren't the traditional eyewear designers. The come from roles in tech and finance that require long hours in front on computer screens. They would find themselves leaving the office exhausted, with strained eyes, sometimes headaches and often blurry vision. These symptoms soon lead to an inability to focus at the office. And they weren't alone; friends, colleagues and family shared similar sentiments. Everyone wanted a solution, yet none existed.
Creating Screen Glasses
This began the mission and vision behind Felix Gray: to make eyes happier in the modern, digital world. The next year was spent researching and the team came to one conclusion. Current compute glasses either didn't work, were poorly designed or a combination of the two. Soon this mission and vision had a goal: reinvent screen glasses to be beautiful and effective. They worked tirelessly to craft a lens that is capable of filtering blue light well and eliminating glare. The finishing touch is Felix Gray's classically inspired frames that are carefully built with Italian Acetate.