Brera Milano
The BRERA MILANO brand is being born in January 2021 as an extension of the founding concepts of BRERA OROLOGI, a brand created in 2008. The desire was to create a watch that combined the high quality standard with a unique design at a non prohibitive cost to the public. The need to be able to identify a BRERA MILANO watch at first glance was fundamental, both for its aesthetic characteristics and for the quality of the product, which had to be absolutely of a higher standard.
All this inevitably led to Milan and the ancient Brera district, a symbol of artists and designers who were able to conquer the world with their creations and who made Milan the world capital, the absolute reference, of a lifestyle iconic and inimitable. But style and fashion are not enough to guarantee success if they are not supported by the quality of the mechanics, construction and assembly. A watch that bears a name as noble as it is demanding must express superior levels of quality and reliability.
Hence the decision to adopt mechanics of guaranteed reliability, cases worked with craftsmanship in which the stylistic choices are closely related to the technical ones and summarize the three aspects that a watch designed in Italy must necessarily have: modernity, quality and appeal. Each BRERA MILANO watch is the result of an absolutely Italian study that grafted onto the best Italian design and craftsmanship, experiences the quality of a unique product capable of satisfying the wearer over the years.
Because being beautiful is not enough.